Sponsor a Performer
For 20 years, VPAC has been making an impact in underserved performers. The official celebration starts in November 2024! We have been preparing for this upcoming year and intend on it being fantastic. With an ORIGINAL PRODUCTION, with an ORIGINAL SCORE, & as usual ORIGINAL CHOREOGRAPHY, we will be debuting a documentary and ELITE HAVOC: A Dancicle & Musical
Summer SOULStice is VPAC's very unique dance intensive opportunity to take dancers from across the country, across the country to dance and experience the dance culture of that city. The total cost for each performer is $6,000 each. 2025, to celebrate our 20th year, we are returning to New York, going back to Atlanta, and performing in Denver! Below, find a dancer that you would love to sponsor and make your tax-exempt donation! These performers deserve the support of the world!
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